Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Tokyo SkyTree

The Tokyo SkyTree was built on July 14, 2008 and was completed in February 29, 2012. It is a restaurant and an observation deck.Visitors go visit the observation deck which also has a upper deck and takes the observers very high. The Tokyo Sky Tree is a primary television and radio broadcast site for the Kantō region. This landmark is located in Sumida, Tokyo, Japan and has been a centerpiece for large commercial development funded by broadcasts and others. It was also made for the revitalization of Japan in general. The design for this landmark was published in 2006. The design consists of a fusion of neofuturistic design, earthquake resistance, color, and illumination. The Tokyo Skytree is painted "Skytree White" on its exterior lattice and has illuminated colors like blue and purple alternating by LED lights. The Tokyo Skytree is 634 m which is 2,080 ft. The figure 6 (mu), 3 (sa), and 4 (shi), stand for Musashi which was the old name of the region where the skytree is standing today. Architects, structural engineers, mechanical engineers, lighting design, and a structural engineer helped make this building. They used all their talents to make this beautiful building. It was also made for the revitalization of Japan in general.
By: Samia Robinson

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